Successful recruiting

Successful recruiting

The HR team at AHT is starting the new year with a great success. In the “Best Recruiters Study”, AHT and its recruiting measures in the industry sector took an outstanding fourth place.

AHT receives the Silver Recruiter Award.

For the 13th time, the recruiting quality in Austria has been analysed by BEST RECRUITERS. A Total of 561 large organisations were examined. The companies were chosen based on turnover and number of employees.

The results are based on 287 scientific criteria as well as test applications and are divided into 3 basic pillars:


Pillar 1: Career website, social web, mobile

Social media and especially networks for maintaining professional contacts such as LinkedIn are becoming more and more important for companies when searching for employees. Being present on various job platforms is essential for successful recruiting. Mobile recruiting is also becoming increasingly important. We at AHT therefore always pay attention to making the Employee journey as easy as possible for our applicants and therefore optimize our Recruiting Journey also for mobile applications.
In addition, applicants can look forward to a new AHT career page in early 2023.


Pillar 2: Content & Usability Ads

AHT also relies on a very exciting and new Employer Branding campaign. Following the motto: “My AHT Moment”, the focus is in the positively surprising experience of employees at AHT.


Pillar 3: Competence/commitment in applications, usability in the application process, Talent Relationship Management

A successful employee journey is the primary goal of AHT. Every recruitment should be excellent and given applicants a professional and good experience.
In 2023, AHT will therefore switch to a new application tool that will make it even easier for applicants to apply and thus get the chance to become part of the AHT group.